

Our Mission

We recognize the young people, throughout our communities, far and wide, need a support system to help them maintain optimum health and to help them achieve their athletic and academic goals. The Monterey Condors Club mobilizes the power of our volunteers and the generosity of donors in order to provide the needed support. 

Donate now!

Become a Sponsor

By sponsoring the Monterey Condors Club, you are having a positive impact in our youth community. Your donation will go directly towards the purchasing of balls, nets, cones, and uniforms for our club members. It will also help us provide financial scholarships to the more deserving kids so that they can be a part of the Condors Family. Our commitment to youth soccer is vital in delivering our boys and girls the mental and physical tools needed in order to become successful people and athletes.

Learn More

Playermaker 2.0 is a device that measures and analyzes soccer performance over 25 metrics.

To get started please make sure to download the PLAYERMAKER 2.0 app How to setup your account on your phones (click here)  

 Players must join their team by following these steps (Click here to view)  

Club’s code: amyl

Order the Playermaker sensor now!

Got a question? send us an iMessage




Hat Trick Sponsor

Thank you WOW! Smiles for being our Hat Trick sponsor for the 2025 year! 

Call (831) 373-3765 to schedule a consultation and be one step closer to the smile you’ve been dreaming of!


 Enter your email 


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